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From launching innovative features to engaging with the floral community across the globe, this year has been a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity. In this blog and our 2024 recap video, we’ll explore all the new features we released, the events we attended, exciting happenings at the company, and more. Let’s take a look back at the highlights of 2024!
This month, we had the pleasure of speaking with Holly Heider Chapple, a celebrated floral designer, educator, and mentor! With over a decade of teaching experience and a passion for growth, her session was a valuable opportunity for florists to refine their craft and elevate their business.
During their recent trip to Atlanta for market, our CEO Corrine Heck and her husband Greg visited the Pete Garcia Company™ headquarters and FloraMart® showroom. The visit was a chance to connect with one of the floral industry's most respected names and look inside the heart of their operations.
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