Every week we send out an email to existing clients with helpful tips and tricks for using Details Flowers Software. The Support Team looks at trending questions each month and works to identify ways we can help to spread knowledge to everyone using the platform. Make sure you're subscribed to the Education & Support messages from Details to get these helpful emails!
Did you know Details has a marketplace where you can purchase professionally designed proposal themes? We do! If you need to mix things up a bit, or keep a leg up on the competition, you should check them out!
You can browse through and view examples of the themes in use by clicking directly on the images. Find one you just can't live without? Add it to the cart and then access any purchases from the 'Proposal' page of any of your events!
Check out this Support Center article for more info: Proposal Customization
Moving Events Between Lists
Within the Event List are multiple lists to help you stay organized; the Current, Past Events, Did Not Book, and Archived lists. Knowing how to navigate these lists and move events back-and-forth is going to save you time!
Use the drop-down menu at the top-center (as seen below) to move between lists, and then use the check-boxes on the right and the buttons at the bottom to move events between lists.
Check out this Support Center article for a detailed look at the Event List: The Event List
The Client Record
Details includes a comprehensive client information page, complete with an activity log, space for notes, and more. If you're not familiar with the Client Info page, now's the time to learn!
Unless you changed your Event List settings to navigate to different areas, you can click on the client's name from the Event List to access the Client Info page. From here you have access to two separate pages:
The Inspiration Gallery
Need a place to store photos for inspiration images on your proposals or for future recipes? Behold, the Inspiration Gallery! You can access this under the 'Resources' section of the main menu, or under the 'Resources' tab within any of your events.
Store as many photos as you need here and use them as recipe images or proposal images whenever you need!
Check out this Support Center article for more info: The Inspiration Gallery
New Features in 2020!
We added tons of new features to Details last year, check out this list of Support Center articles for more info about each of them!
And don't forget to check out our 2020 Wrap-up blog, too!
Details Flowers Software 2020 Year In Review: New Features & Improvements
Keep an eye on your inbox each week to get in-depth educational content for all things Details and, as always, reach out to our Support Team if you need anything! You can reach us by emailing support@detailsflowers.com, from the chat option within your account, or by using the 'Contact Us' form also found within your account under the 'Support' menu!
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