Share Your Floral Masterpieces: Submit Your Design Recipes to Details Flowers Software!

by Details Flowers ● 23 August ● Designers, News & Events

At Details Flowers Software, we’re constantly inspired by our community's incredible creativity and artistry. Many of our members have expressed a desire to see more design recipes from fellow florists, and we couldn’t agree more! That’s why we’re excited to invite you to share your own design recipes with us.

This is your chance to showcase your floral creations and have them featured alongside renowned partners. Your designs will be displayed in our Recipe Gallery, inspiring other florists and helping elevate the floral community. Plus, we’ll highlight select recipes on our social media channels throughout the year, giving your work the spotlight it deserves! 

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How to Share Your Recipes:

1. Submit Your Photos and Recipe: We’ve made it easy for you to share your designs. Simply fill out our submission form and upload your recipe and high-resolution photos.

2. Use Global Items: To ensure everyone can recreate your beautiful designs, please use global items available in Details. These are items that are accessible to all members. To check if an item is global, go to the table view in the item gallery and look for the yellow globe symbol. This indicates that the item is available for everyone to use. We will need names and quantities of the items used in the recipe. 

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3. Review and Consent: Before submitting, please ensure you’ve reviewed and agreed to our Release and Consent page. It’s important that you own the rights to the photos you submit.

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This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the growing library of design inspiration on Details. Whether it’s a seasonal centerpiece, a lush wedding bouquet, or a unique floral arrangement, we can’t wait to see what you create! If you are planning your holiday designs for 2025, please share them with us, too! We want to showcase how florists can plan their big retail holidays in Details. 

Let’s continue to inspire one another—submit your design recipe today and be part of something beautiful!


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