Fun 'N Sun 2024: Blooming for Success

Earlier this month, my husband Greg and I packed our bags and headed to the CalFlowers Fun 'N Sun event in Carlsbad, California, and it was nothing short of amazing! If you've never been to Fun 'N Sun, it is more than just a gathering of floral professionals. It’s a celebration of our industry, filled with energy, creativity, and passion for floristry. From wholesalers to florists, educators to innovators, everyone came together with one shared goal: to elevate the floral world. And we certainly did!

The event kicked off with a disco-themed networking night, and it was a blast! Imagine a room full of flower lovers decked out in their best '70s attire, grooving to live music.  Greg and I even managed to win Best Dressed for our disco looks! It was one of those nights where you couldn’t help but feel grateful to be part of such a fun and vibrant community. I still have a smile on my face just thinking about all the laughs we were able to celebrate and the fun moments between long-standing floral friends.

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CalFlowers organized an event that reminded us why we’re all in this business. Every conversation I had reinforced my belief in the power of our industry—not just to create beauty but to bring people together, share joy, and make a lasting impact. That’s something I felt especially at the Women in Floriculture group meeting. Connecting with other women in our industry, hearing their stories, and sharing our experiences was uplifting. It was a reminder that together, we can support and inspire each other to continue personally and professionally growing.  On the last evening of parties and celebrations, it was exciting to hear Williee Armellini with his musical vibes.  He put together a phenomenal industry band that really got everyone moving and grooving, and the party never stopped.  

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One of the things that truly sets CalFlowers apart is their incredible initiatives, like That Flower Feeling. Their mission is all about showcasing the emotional and psychological benefits that flowers bring into people’s lives, and they are gaining real momentum. Flowers aren’t just pretty; they have the power to make people feel good, lift spirits, and heal. Seeing the traction these initiatives are gaining is great for business and for reminding people of the deeper purpose behind what we do.

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Of course, the Flower Fair was another highlight for me. There’s something so inspiring about walking through a space filled with our industry's latest products, services, and trends. We spent time at the Details booth, connecting with attendees and soaking up all the shared innovative ideas. Those moments of learning from one another keep this industry fresh and exciting.


Fun 'N Sun is also a place for forward-thinking ideas, and this year, I was particularly fascinated by the presentations on AI applications for florists. Speakers like Liza Roeser from Fifty Flowers, Sam Bowles from Allen’s Flowers and Plants, and Ryan Black from Jet Fresh shed light on how AI transforms the floral industry. From automating workflows to sparking new creative possibilities, the potential for AI to revolutionize how we operate is incredible. It’s exciting to think about where these technological advancements will take us and how they’ll enhance the customer experience.

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Reflecting on my time at Fun 'N Sun, I’m looking forward to the next one in Pasadena in 2026. This event isn’t just a conference—it’s a reminder of why we all do what we do. It’s about community, creativity, the love we share for flowers, and the joy they bring to people’s lives. Until next time, Fun 'N Sun—we’ll see you in 2026!

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