Details Flowers Software | Tools for Floral Designers

Tips & Tricks in Review: March 2022

Written by Myranda Sauls | Apr 4, 2022 3:58:09 PM

Every week, we email existing clients with helpful tips and tricks for using Details Flowers Software. The Support Team looks at trending questions each month and identifies ways we can help spread knowledge to everyone using the platform. Ensure you're subscribed to the Education & Support messages from Details to get these helpful emails! 

Here's a recap of what we covered in March in the Tips & Tricks series!

Navigating The Event List
Use the drop-down menu at the top-center (as seen below) to move between lists!

Moving Events from 'Current'

The default list, your 'Current' events, will house off of your prospective and upcoming events. If an event needs to be removed for one reason or another, you have two options:

  • Archive: This is as close as you can get to deleting an event (events cannot ever be permanently deleted in Details). We'd recommend using this if you have reason to simply remove an event. 
  • Mark as 'Did Not Book': Have a client review your proposal and choose to not to sign? While we suspect that won't ever happen 😉 , on the very off-chance that it does, you can mark an event as 'Did Not Book'.

How do we use these options? Follow these steps from the 'Current' list:

  • Locate the event on the list and check the box on the right side of it.
  • The 'Archive' and 'Mark as Did Not Book' buttons will appear at the bottom-center - select the option you want.

Returning Events to 'Current'

If you have occasion to return an event from the 'Archived' or 'Did Not Book' lists, follow these steps:

  • Using the drop-down menu at the top of the list, select the list the desired event is contained in. For example, if you archived an event, go to the 'Archived' list - you won't be able to return an event from the 'All' list, so make sure you go to the right list!
  • Once you're on the right list, locate the event and check the box on the right side of it.
  • The resulting buttons at the bottom-center will differ depending on which list you're returning the event from, so select the appropriate (i.e. 'Mark as Active' or 'Restore') button to return the event to 'Current' events.

Note: This would be a rarity, but entirely possible; a returned event may end up in the 'Past Events' list if the Event Date is in the past.

New Gallery Recipe

Use this option to save a new recipe to the gallery. Do this at any time, with any recipe, just make sure you want to create a brand-new gallery recipe from your design!

Favorite Recipe

Favoriting a recipe will pin it to the Design Board and save it to your Recipe Gallery as a new recipe at the same time!

Once it's on the Design Board you can drag-and-drop it into any other line item making it a quick and easy way to re-use a design from one line item to the next!

Update Gallery Recipe

Say you're using a previously saved recipe and you have a brilliant new idea, think of the perfect new bloom to take it to the next level; use the 'Update Gallery Recipe' to save your changes to your existing recipe for the next time you use it!

Update From Gallery

Using an existing recipe and go a little overboard? Use the 'Update From Gallery' option to revert back to the last saved version of the recipe!

Managing Rental Items

Need a tool to keep track of inventory and where it's stored? Use Details to log and manage all of your rentals!

👉 If you're unfamiliar with adding or editing items, check out this Support Center article: Adding & Editing Items


Keep Track!

Inventory can be logged within the Item Details page for each item. To access the Item Details page for an item, click the new window icon or, in the Item pop-up window, click the "More Details" button!

The resulting page is a full-page view of the item containing several modules, including one on the right-hand side for inventory. You'll use this section to make entries for where an item is located and how many are owned.

To create a new inventory entry click the 'Add Inventory' button in the top-right. Or click the pencil icon to edit an existing entry. Enter applicable information and save!

The Cost Sheet

Within each event is a Cost sheet that can be used to calculate item costs and totals. The rental items will be displayed within their own section of the page, near the bottom, and will display how many you have and how many you need for each included item. 


The 'Payments' Page

Found under the 'Financials' tab of any of your events is the 'Payments' page. It's where you'll find the payment schedule and log collected payments specific to respective events. 

The schedule will start out displaying your defaults, pulled from the 'Financials' page of the Company Settings. If you're not sure what this is, or if you haven't seen it before, take a moment to check out this Support Center article ðŸ‘‰ Financial Defaults


Updating to Reflect a New Balance

The Support Team gets questions all the time about configuring payment schedules to reflect the correct amounts, and the full amounts of events. So let's look into a specific example where an event amount changed and see how we would go about updating the schedule ðŸ‘‡

This client already paid one of two payments in an event that is being split up 50/50. They made a change and now, as a result, the grand total has changed. The 50% payment from the schedule that was already received is now listed at a greater amount than the amount that was already logged - see the image below.

See how the amounts due are both around $1,700, but the payment logged is $1,000?

Now, since the client made that payment to cover the previous amount due for their first installment, this may look confusing to them when it shows that their initial payment is now outstanding because of changes made to the event. So we need to adjust the payment schedule like so 👇

What we've done is to amend the first payment in the schedule to reflect the payment that was already made and then amended our final payment to a percentage-based installment in the amount of 100%.

Now the final payment in the schedule will always include the outstanding balance, regardless of how much that is. That means that if the client adds or removes items from this event and causes further changes to the grand total, the payment schedule will dynamically alter itself to include 100% of whatever the outstanding balance is.

This is just one example, but it covers the bases of how using percentage-based payments can help to straighten things out. 

Ever have a client change their mind and want to go back to something you've done before? Of course, you have, that's why we have a feature that allows you to revert to previous versions of your worksheets.

In Details, every time you save a worksheet a new version is created, and you can access those versions and restore them at any time!

Saving a New Version

Follow these steps to save a new worksheet version:

  • Click the 'Save' button at the bottom-center of the worksheet.
  • In the resulting modal window the 'Save As' drop-down will default to 'New Version'
  • In the 'Description' field it's usually a good idea to include a note that will help you identify this version later from your list of saved worksheets; however, it is an optional field.
  • Click 'Save' to complete!

Loading a Saved Version

If you need to access any of your previous versions, follow these steps:

  • Open the 'Options' menu in the top-right and select 'Load Version'

  • In the resulting modal window you'll see all he previous versions of the worksheet that have been saved, including any description you entered when you saved it.

  • Select the version you'd like to load and click 'Select Version' to load it - that's all there is to it!


A Note on Worksheet Autosaving

If you're not familiar with how to enable autosaving, stop here and check out this Support Center article: Worksheet Autosaving

It's important to note that if you're using the Worksheet Autosaving, there is only one autosaved version. Every time the worksheet is autosaved, it rewrites the existing autosave file. That's why it's still important to manually save versions periodically so you have them to revert back to!

Keep an eye on your inbox each week to get in-depth educational content for all things Details and, as always, reach out to our Support Team if you need anything! You can reach us by emailing from the chat option within your account or by using the 'Contact Us' form also found within your account under the 'Support' menu!