8 United States Congressional Representatives visited Rosaprima to Gain Insight into the Essential Role of the Floral Industry in Ecuador’s Economy and its Impact on the United States.
CAYAMBE, ECUADOR - On March 16th, 2023, a delegation of eight US Congressional Representatives,
while in Ecuador for bilateral trade discussions, visited one of Rosaprima's farms located in the Guachalá
rose growing region of Ecuador. The representatives who visited the farm were Jason Smith (R-
Missouri), Terri Sewell (D-Alabama), Jimmy Panetta (D-California), Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas), Carol
Miller (R-West Virginia), Michelle Fischbach (R-Minnesota), Mike Carey (R-Ohio), and Kelly Armstrong (R-
North Dakota).
During the visit, the representatives walked the farm and witnessed firsthand the growing process of
Rosaprima's Iconic roses while engaging with company employees. The visit gave the representatives valuable insights into the floral industry's essential role in the country's economy
and surrounding rural communities.
The visit to Rosaprima's farm was an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of
sustainable farming practices, fair labor practices, and environmental stewardship in the floral industry.
Such visits are vital in providing lawmakers with a better understanding of the challenges and
opportunities faced by different industries, including the floral industry.
For media inquiries, please contact Natasha Viedt - natasha.viedt@rosaprima.com
To learn more about Details' partnership with Rosaprima, check out our blog, Welcoming Rosaprima to Details!
With The Society of American Florists, representatives in the floral industry every year travel to Capital Hill every day to advocate for pressing issues in our community. This congressional visit to Rosaprima is another step to bring awareness to the interworkings of the floral industry. Here is our complete recap of the 43rd Annual Congressional Action Days!