Details Flowers Software | Tools for Floral Designers

Hurricane Ian Relief Resources

Written by Ajah Conage | Oct 3, 2022 7:32:04 PM

There is no way to predict how much of an impact a natural disaster will have on our lives. There are some that come out of it unscathed and others whose lives are turned upside down. As we saw with Hurricane Ian, many homes and businesses were heavily affected, which is why the Details Family wants to provide as many relief resources as we can to help those who are in need.

The U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) provides low-interest loans for homes and businesses for those affected by any disaster. There are many different loans one can choose from depending on their need, and the SBA also provides resources to help one prepare for emergencies in the future. The link to their disaster assistance page and the application for a disaster loan are listed below. 

SBA Disaster Assistance Page:

SBA Application for Disaster Loan:


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  has opened applications for assistance regarding Hurricane Ian and the storm's aftermath. FEMA also provides information about filing an insurance claim if one was affected by the flooding caused by the hurricane. There are also links for state and local resources in Florida and surrounding areas. FEMA also provides a list of ways one can safely help out those individuals who were affected. The link to their website and application to apply for assistance is listed below. 

FEMA Website: 

FEMA Application for Assistance: 


The IRS has announced that they will be providing tax relief for those heavily affected by Hurricane Ian. If you were affected, you now have until February 15th, 2023, to file various individual and business tax returns and to make payments. The IRS also states that if you reside in a federally declared disaster area, you have the option to claim disaster-related casualty losses on your federal income tax return for the year of the disaster or the year prior. The IRS will also waive any usual fees and requests for copies of previously filed tax returns for affected taxpayers. To see if you qualify, please visit the link listed below. 

IRS Tax Relief:


The Details Family wants to do everything we can to help those who were affected in any way by the Hurricane. If you have any questions or want more information about how we can accommodate you, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or calling us during business hours (M-F, 9-5 PM EST) at 386-255-9594, and we will be happy to assist you. 

We are keeping everyone in our prayers.