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Floral Industry Insights: A Glimpse into the Florist Community

Written by Alexa Mateman | May 1, 2024 3:09:11 PM

In February 2024, we embarked on a mission to dive deep into the heart of the floral industry by conducting a comprehensive survey within the florist community. Our goal was simple yet profound: to gain an understanding of the organizations and individuals that make this industry flourish. The responses poured in, each contributing a unique perspective to our findings.

The results we gathered not only shed light on the diverse experiences and roles within the florist community but also laid the groundwork for future advancements in our field. We're excited to share with you some key takeaways from our survey:

Experience & Expertise

Seasoned Veterans: It's evident that the floral industry attracts those with deep roots, as 57% of respondents proudly boast over a decade of experience. These individuals' expertise is honed by years of navigating the ebbs and flows of the floral world.

Fresh Faces: Yet, the industry is also a fertile ground for newcomers, with 26% having embarked on their floral journey within the past 1-5 years. Their enthusiasm injects vitality, infusing new perspectives and innovations into the age-old art of floral design.

Crafting Success

Nuptial Niche: Weddings reign supreme in the realm of specialization, with a staggering 92% of respondents dedicating their talents to crafting dreams into reality on couples' special days. It's here that florists weave their most enchanting tales.

Retail Royalty: Retail also holds its own, with 36% of florists finding fulfilment in serving their local communities with everyday blooms. Their storefronts are more than just shops; they're vibrant hubs of connection, where emotions are captured in every bouquet.

Challenges & Aspirations

The Struggle for Structure: Amidst the beauty, florists grapple with the chaos of organization, with 45% citing it as a top area for improvement. The delicate dance of petals and paperwork requires finesse, and many seek better systems to harmonize the two.

Marketing Mastery: Marketing and advertising also loom large on the horizon, with 45% striving to amplify their presence in an increasingly active marketplace. In a world where visibility is key, florists are sharpening their storytelling skills to stand out amidst the blooms.

Florist Focal Points: 70% of florists prioritize the ability to create their own Custom Proposals, indicating the importance of visuals when closing potential clientele. The Stem Counter is the second top priority with 51%, ensuring every stem is being utilized and avoiding over or under-buying. Pre-loaded blooms are the third most important, with 44% of florists indicating that it's crucial to their businesses.

Operational Insights

The Digital Divide: While technology permeates every aspect of modern life, 66% of respondents have yet to embrace a Point of Sale (POS) system. For many, the simplicity of pen and paper still holds sway in an increasingly digital world.

The Freelancer's Flourish: Freelancers are the unsung heroes of the floral world, with 69% of respondents tapping into their talents to bring their visions to life. Their flexibility and expertise provide invaluable support, enabling florists to bloom amidst the busiest seasons.

Pricing Puzzles: The art of pricing remains a delicate dance, with florists applying markups ranging from cost x 3 (36%) to cost x 4 (30%). Each arrangement is not just a product but a work of art, and should be priced to reflect the craftsmanship and care that goes into its creation.

Community Connections

Web Wizards: When it comes to managing their online presence, florists gravitate towards platforms like Squarespace (22%) and Wix (14%). These digital sanctuaries serve as virtual showrooms, inviting visitors to wander amidst their creations.

Advertising Allies: While most choose not to participate in advertising (44%), others forge partnerships with organizations like WeddingPro (24%) and Zola (16%) to amplify their reach. In a world where collaboration is king, these alliances open doors to new audiences and opportunities.

Tribe Ties: Within the virtual realm, Facebook groups emerge as havens of camaraderie, with communities like The Florists of Facebook (26%) and Real Flower Business with Allison Ellis (24%) offering support, insights, and inspiration. In these digital gardens, florists find solace amidst like-minded kindred spirits.

Cultivating Culture

Educational Icons: Holly Chapple stands as a beacon of inspiration for the third time in a row! Her wisdom and warmth guide countless florists on their journey of growth and discovery. In her teachings, they find not just skills, but soulful connections that transcend the art of arrangement.

Podcast Paradises: "2 Fat Guys Talking Flowers," "The Business & Pleasure of Flowers," and "Botanical Brouhaha" offer more than just words; they offer windows into worlds of possibility. In these auditory adventures, florists find not just information, but inspiration to fuel their passions.

Gathering Grounds:
Our findings prove that WeddingMBA, AIFD's Annual Symposium, and SAF's Annual Convention are more than just events; they're valuable industry gatherings where ideas bloom and friendships flourish. In these shared spaces, florists find not just knowledge, but connections that last a lifetime.

Your Input Matters!

We extend our gratitude to all the dedicated florists who contributed their time and insights to our survey. Your participation is not only invaluable but also serves as a catalyst for collective growth and understanding within our industry.

As we continue our journey towards inclusivity and improvement, we invite you to be a part of shaping the future of our industry. If you're passionate about the floral industry and wish to receive a full PDF copy of the survey results, please take a moment to fill out the form:

Haven’t participated in our survey yet and would like your experiences represented? Take our survey yourself and stay tuned for updates as we revisit and update the results later this year. Your perspective matters, and together, we can cultivate a brighter future for the floral industry!