Details Flowers Software | Tools for Floral Designers

Customer Spotlight: Honeysuckle Events

Written by Linda Hunt | Dec 28, 2017 3:02:35 PM

Some beautiful traits seem to be inherent to floral designers. Let's see creative lovers of nature find joy in the beauty of almost everything! Talented with a love of flowers and usually an entrepreneurial spirit with some effervescence added!

As Sweet As Honeysuckle

Just like this sweet story of Shelley from Honeysuckle Events. She's also a lover of her two special Yorkies, Winston, and Weezie, and you know what we love, she still stops to smell the roses (garden, I'm thinking)!! I know you're already thinking about how much you'd like to meet her, so let's prepare to check out this sweet designer of Honeysuckle Events.

What inspired you to start Honeysuckle Events?

"I have always loved nature and grew up taking long walks in the woods, collecting all sorts of things…moss, acorns, turtle shells, etc. Nowadays, I take long walks on the beach, searching for shells, driftwood, and sea glass. I spend my days with my Yorkies, Winston, and Weezie, who are always by my side…or at my feet as I pursue my creative endeavors. In addition to my obsession with flowers, I love antiques, making jewelry, and anything related to fashion, style, and decor. On quiet days, I like to curl up with my dogs, a good book, and a cup of coffee.

My love of nature is what spurred me to start Honeysuckle Events. I get to work with flowers, create beauty, and make people happy! I haven't forgotten to stop and smell the roses either…I don't think I’ll ever tire of walking into a room full of flowers and taking a deep breath. "What could be better than that?". 

Meet Shelley (Winston & Weezie) from Honeysuckle Events 

We can almost smell that sweet floral perfume! Take a peek at more of Shelley's work on her website, Honey Suckle Events

What is your business name, and how did you develop it? 

My business's name is Honeysuckle Events. I played around with many combinations and finally came up with honeysuckle because it reminded me of growing up in Virginia. As kids, we would pick and taste the sweet honeysuckle, which reminded me of my youth & being outdoors. I thought about it for a while...I'm unsure how long, but it was not a quick decision!

What do you love most about your city and the events that you create?

I live in a beach resort town on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. There are ample natural backgrounds to work with and many venue types. Even though there are plenty of beach-themed events, there are many ways to get creative and switch them up! 

What do you love most about the Wedding Industry? 

It depends on what day you ask me!! I think having that creative outlet and expressing myself in a job I love is my favorite.  I don't feel like it is very often that people have jobs that they enjoy, so I feel fortunate.

What are your biggest daily challenges, and how do you overcome them?

Juggling the actual business side! Those day-to-day tasks of responding to emails, accounting,  and building proposals, which Details Flowers has helped me immensely! 

What is your favorite design story and why?

I have one coming up in December, my biggest wedding yet, so I've had the freedom to create many different aspects beyond the floral. I will do a snowflake ceiling installation and a mural behind the band. Pulling the whole thing together with the different decor aspects will be excellent. It will be a beautiful Winter wonderland! 

A gorgeous winter wonderland, indeed!

What tips do you have to share with other wedding floral designers?

Use Details Flowers Software!!! Also, be active in the various floral online communities. The best part about online communities is that everyone can share a different way of doing something. It helps you learn and grow! I don't know that I have any earth-shattering advice because I am still so new, but I think everyone can look at a design differently to help and share advice. 

What do you love most about your floral importers, and what do you value about them?

This year, I have been working primarily with DVFlora, a new supplier.  I have loved using their website to look at availability and pricing.  My representative is responsive and has excellent communication, so I know ahead of time if something is unavailable.  This takes a lot of the stress out of ordering and on delivery day!

What is your biggest business motivator?

I am able to say that I am self-employed and make my own schedule! It is incredible! Right now, I still work a full-time job, but I am hoping to get rid of that other job soon. 

How does Details Flowers Software improve your bottom line?

I knew from the beginning that I wasn't charging correctly. You hear bits and pieces from others, but no one wants to share their magic number. I probably wasn't making anything in my first couple of years. Using Details Flowers Software has made me confident in my pricing so that I know I am turning a profit and providing value to my customers.  

Where do you see your business in 10 years?

Oh, the places we can go! I would love to make a comfortable income and have some publications. That would be very nice! Hopefully, at that point, I will also be supporting a family. Only time will tell. 

Shelley, we know you will go to many fabulous places and make dreams come true with your gorgeous designs! We love watching you bloom and grow! To learn more about Honeysuckle Events, visit their website, Honeysuckle Events